As a non-profit organization, the Blowing Rock Art & History Museum counts on the support of members, volunteers, and donors to help achieve its mission to promote visual arts and history and to celebrate the rich heritage of the mountains.
Donations help the Museum promote the visual arts, and the history & heritage of the region through educational programs, exhibitions, and significant permanent collections. Annual funding provides key operational support for the most critical needs, educational programs for visitors of all ages, expansion and preservation of the collection, essential community outreach, personnel, and much more.
BRAHM is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, EIN # 30-0003315. Your contributions to the Museum are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your kind donation to BRAHM. You will receive an email acknowledgement of your donation which will serve as a record of donation for tax purposes.
Please consider making your donation as a recurring payment to BRAHM which allows your support to be spread throughout the year. Your donation can be made on a schedule that works for your circumstances.
Interested in joining BRAHM as a member?
Additional Information for Donors
Unrestricted Donations
All unrestricted donations to the Museum are used for daily operations such as administrative costs and facility maintenance.
Restricted Donations
Wilson Education Center - Youth Education. Contact Jennifer Garonzik, Education Director, for more information.
Exhibitions. Contact Gabe Wilson, Director of Exhibitions & Collections, for more information.
Programs. Contact Willard Watson III, Program & Outreach Coordinator, for more information.
Events. Contact Willard Watson III, Program & Outreach Coordinator, for more information.
Endowment. Contact Stephan Dragisic, Executive Director, for more information.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Individuals may roll over up to $100,000 from an individual retirement account (IRA) directly to a qualifying charity without recognizing the assets transferred to the qualifying charity as income. Certain restrictions apply. Please contact our Office Manager, at 828.295.9099 ext. 3003. IRA Letter of Instruction
Honorarium or Memorial Gift
Donate to the Museum in honor or memory of a special person. We will send an acknowledgment to that recipient or a designated loved one. All such commemorative gifts are placed in the Museum's endowment fund. Please include the information in the online form above.
Matching Gift
Double your donation to the Museum through your company’s matching gift program. Contact your personnel office for details.
Gift of Stock
Consider gifts of stock for new or renewing memberships, pledge payments, and gifts such as memorials and honoraria. Please contact our Office Manager, at 828.295.9099 ext. 3003.
Planned Gift
Leave a legacy through a planned giving program. Planned gifts allow donors to enjoy special tax considerations while ensuring that BRAHM has a bright future. To discuss options for planned giving, contact Stephan Dragisic, Teresa and Don Caine Executive Director, at 828.295.9099 ext. 3008.
Charitable giving-The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 includes expanded charitable giving incentives for donors to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including a new above-the-line deduction for total charitable contributions of up to $300. The CARES Act has been extended to the 2021 tax year as well.
The act also lifts the existing cap on annual contributions for donors who itemize, raising it from 60 percent of adjusted gross income to 100 percent. The incentive also applies to contributions made in 2021.