BRAHM TO GO | Chris Capozzoli
Image credit: Chris Capozzoli. Digital photograph by Ashley Warren, 2018. @naturalcraftphotography
Presenting BRAHM TO GO, the podcast that brings art and history to you through artist interviews, oral histories, and scholarly lectures.
Welcome to BRAHM To Go. Your Go-To Source for arts and history. Today we have an interview with Chris Capozzoli. Chris is a luthier and woodworker in Sugar Grove, North Carolina. This interview was part of the exhibit the Way Watauga Works and the questions and responses focus on Chris’s work history. Chris is a master luthier and since the Way Watauga Works exhibit, Chris has also had an exhibition of his instruments at BRAHM, the exhibit Sound machines stringed instruments of the Capozzoli Guitar Company was on display from November 2019 to March 2020. You can see more of Chris’s work at
BRAHM To Go is produced by Willard Watson, with support from Maako Shiratori. Music by Melissa Edd. The Way Watauga Works was made possible with support by the Smithsonian Institute’s Traveling Exhibition Service, Museum on Main Street, and NC Humanities.
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